Friday, January 9, 2009

Whitefish with Lemon and Filbert Sauce

Note: This recipe makes enough sauce for up to 3 lbs. of sole. We just use the sauce ingredient amounts as given and prepare enough sole to serve 4.

This dish can be made with cod, sole, flounder, or any firm whitefish.

Divide fish into serving sized pieces and place in a buttered baking dish, adding salt and pepper to taste. Brush each piece with butter and sprinkle each with a tablespoon or so of chopped filberts (almonds are good, too). Pour juice of one lemon over the fish and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until fish is tender.

Melt 2 tbl. butter in a small saucepan, add 2 tbl. flour. Cook for a minute, then stir in 1 cup clam juice or fish stock. Stir over medium heat until the sauce thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste, stir in ¼ cup white wine. Just before serving, add juice of ½ lemon. Serve over fish and pan juices.

From The Frugal Gourmet Cooks with Wine, by Jeff Smith

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