Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chicken Soup

This isn't really a recipe, just an outline.

Make a pot of chicken stock.

Add any/all of the following:

Peeled and cubed potatoes or barley or rice

As many vegetables as you would like--I usually use carrots, celery, onions, peas, green beans--but you may have some other favorites. Turnips and rutabagas come to mind...

Cook until the vegetables, barley, rice, or whatever is tender.

Add some chopped fresh parsley, chives, and whatever else is growing in your herb garden.

Add the cooked, cut up chicken from making the stock

Season to taste.

Have another look around the fridge and dump in any likely leftovers you find. A little casserole! Salsa! Enchiladas! Who knows what's lurking in your fridge.

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